Sat, June 10, 2023 @ 7:00 pm
The Rockwell
“Something wicked drunk this way comes…”
That’s the line right?! It is in our version of this Shakespeare classic and it’s back at The Rockwell in the spring of 2023 and you won’t want to miss this — a little crazier, a little zanier, and of course a little drunker.
Taking a break from the comedic side of things, the Boston Bastards plunge into the hearty world of tragedy with their hit show Shit-faced Shakespeare®: Macbeth. Upon hearing the weird sister’s prediction, Macbeth and his tiger wife take matters into their own hands and manage to burn down everything in their wake. Well, almost. Fair is foul and foul is fair in this tale of prophecy gone slightly off the rails
With a genuinely drunken professional actor selected at random every night, no two shows are ever the same. Shit-Faced Shakespeare seeks to introduce a new generation of theatre-goers to the works of the Bard by reviving the raucous, interactive and vibrant nature of Elizabethan theatre with a very modern twist – reminding them as we go to always enjoy Shakespeare responsibly.
Thursdays 18+ Fridays and Saturdays 21+
Running Thursday-Saturday April 27-June 24.
As of Spring 2023 masks are still required for Shit-faced Shakespeare productions.
Doors at 6:15pm
Show at 7:00pm
Ticketing; General Admission | $30 | 18+ on Thursdays/21+ Friday/Saturday – PROPER ID REQUIRED
Accessibility; The Rockwell is wheelchair accessible.