Thu, October 13, 2022 @ 7:00 pm
The Rockwell
“O, happy dagger!’ Shit-faced Shakespeare is back at The Rockwell, where it all began, with their smash-hit, internationally acclaimed, award-winning, multi sell-out fringe phenomenon version of Romeo and Juliet. There is no love lost between the Capulet and Montague families and everyone in Verona knows it. Certainly the only way to mend centuries of bad blood is by having two forlorn teenagers from opposite households fall in love with each other, right? Right! Nothing that a swig (or two) of the finest spirits can’t fix! Featuring Shakespeare’s most famous feuding family, cousins without a cause, and so many faux deaths it makes daytime TV look good.
Shit-faced Shakespeare® is the deeply highbrow fusion of an entirely serious Shakespeare play with an entirely shit-faced cast member. Side-splitting, raucous and completely unpredictable, the show has been running since 2010 and has already entertained over 400,000 eager theatre goers across the UK. Shit-faced Shakespeare® landed Stateside in April of 2015 with its first performances right here at The Rockwell.
With a genuinely drunken professional actor selected at random every night, no two shows are ever the same. Shit-Faced Shakespeare® seeks to introduce a new generation of theatre-goers to the works of the Bard by reviving the raucous, interactive and vibrant nature of Elizabethan theatre with a very modern twist – reminding them as we go to always enjoy Shakespeare responsibly.
For more information visit :: www.shitfacedshakespeare.com
Playing September 15 through November 19, 2022
Running Thursday, Friday, and Saturday Evenings
Doors at 6:15pm
Show at 7:00pm
Seating; $30 | General Admission | 21+ Proper ID Required (Thursday 18+)
Accessibility: The Rockwell is wheelchair accessible
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Still in effect as of June 1, 2022, we will require all guests to wear masks while with us during performances. This includes hallways, lobby, bar area, restrooms, and once you are seated. You may remove your mask when actively sipping on that tasty beverage from the bar but mask back up once you’re done. We’ll have zero tolerance of noses in public space.
Be aware that these guidelines are ever-changing and if anything changes we will be in touch. Let’s all do our part to stop the spread and keep one another healthy. #MaskUP