Thu, October 27, 2022 @ 9:30 pm
The Rockwell
$22 – $25
Like the farming homesteaders of her native Mississippi River Delta, Ever More Nest builds houses of emotion among fields of mercy, forests of fears, and streams of consciousness. These are houses that are lived in, that draw in visitors to comfortable confines with the promise of warmth despite the dust, grit, and dangers of the day. Rooted in Southern musical traditions and infused with confessional 90s angst, the music of Ever More Nest can likewise lull and rock you right off a front porch. On this tour, songwriter Kelcy Wilburn’s dynamic, homegrown voice and guitar playing is complemented by the driving beat of a stompbox and the ghostly, effusive lead guitar work and enriching harmonies of Dave DeCotiis, Ever More Nest’s longtime guitarist and touring partner.
Doors at 9:00pm
Show at 9:30pm
Seating; $22 Advance/ $25 Day of Show | General Admission | 18+ | Must be 21+ to drink
Accessibility: The Rockwell is wheelchair accessible
* * * * *
Still in effect as of June 1, 2022, we will require all guests to wear masks while with us during performances. This includes hallways, lobby, bar area, restrooms, and once you are seated. You may remove your mask when actively sipping on that tasty beverage from the bar but mask back up once you’re done. We’ll have zero tolerance of noses in public spaces.
Be aware that these guidelines are ever-changing and if anything changes we will be in touch. Let’s all do our part to stop the spread and keep one another healthy. #MaskUP